Athos Magnificent Swiss Tricolor otcem 8 štěňat / Athos Magnificent Swiss Tricolor father of 8

26.05.2022 13:42


Náš Athos (Athos Magnificent Swiss Tricolor) žijící v USA se ve svých 8 letech stal opět otcem. Fena Jai (Victory to Yes of Dyberry Creek Farm) z chovatelské stanice Dyberry Creek Farm před týdnem porodila 8 krásných štěňátek. Máme velkou radost a malým Entlebušíkům přejeme do života jen to dobré!!




Entlebucher male from our breeding Athos (Athos Magnificent Swiss Tricolor) which lives in US, became father at his age of 8 years again. Jai (Victory to Yes of Dyberry Creek Farm) from Dyberry Creek Farm gave birth to 8 lovely puppies last week. We're very excited about this news and wish mommy and the little ones all the best!!



Copyright Dyberry Creek Farm
